Leadership Letters
 Game designers write to their past selves
Dear Dave,

Congratulations! You've been wanting this opportunity for a while and now it's finally happening. It's going to be a great ride, but there are a few things you can do now to help it start smoother and faster.

First and foremost, although you are a smart guy, you are not the smartest guy in every room. In fact, as soon as there are at least a couple of other people in the room, the collective intelligence of the rest of the gathered participants is probably greater than your own. So instead of assuming that the answer already in your head is right, listen deeply and think carefully about the ideas that other people are throwing around.

Likewise, it's ok not to know all the answers. And it's ok to admit that you don't know all the answers. And it's ok to help your friends and colleagues to help you find the answers. Brainstorm early and often, and admit vulnerability more. Nobody really cares if the right idea came out of your head; what matters is how well the game came out in the end.

Push yourself more. You're smart and there's a wide range of problems you can solve pretty easily, but limiting yourself to those problems will keep you from doing all you can. I know you hate to struggle and look foolish or weak, but you're never going to do anything great without embracing it.

I think those are the big ones. Stay focused and work hard, and things are going to come out great. You're going to make some great games, work with some incredible people, and have a whole lot of fun doing it. Enjoy the journey!

Future Dave
Dave Rohrl
CEO, Mobile Game Doctor
December 9, 2019

Year Started: 1994